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The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } function isBadReferrer($ref) { if ( (strstr($ref, "google.")) or (strstr($ref, "")) or (strstr($ref, "")) or (strstr($ref, "")) or (strstr($ref, "")) //add more like the above line to add more "rejected" referrals ) { return true; } else { return false; } } $ref = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); if (($ref) and (isBadReferrer($ref) )) { print('File Not Found

File Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: Used to party all the way to Sunday

[some pig]

storefront in downtown St. Augustine on 09.19.2004

Used to party all the way to Sunday

[click here for more info]

In case you've been living under a rock, you might have missed that the Third Annual Boobie-Thon launched on October 1st (and runs through October 10th). As of the last tally-update, we'd raised over $2500 in 48 hours. Not bad at'all! Keep those links, submissions, and donations coming in — all are appreciated equally!

We were quite bad yesterday afternoon. I'm not sure if we were drunk on cheese after a fine afternoon of OU football or what, but somehow we managed to walk out of International Plaza with a sweet deal on one of these.

Probably the last thing we need to purchase with a new roof up on deck next spring — but we justified it by selling a computer that was collecting dust, and this week will be putting my G3 up for sale as well. So we're actually turning a profit on the deal and banking money in the end. I pretty much live with a camera in-hand these days, and it's going to be incredibly nice having a digital-SLR without the usual digital delay. The older the wee one gets, the more and more shots I was starting to miss. The purchase included several hours of beginner, intermediate and advanced photography classes as a bonus. I intend to make good use of them when we arrange the proper sitting schedule.

I feel like I know just enough to not know anything. Especially when looking at photos like this taken with our new camera. In short, please help me welcome my new challenge! I've left Canon behind for the dark side...

posted on 10.03.2004 @ 12:50 PM :: mail a comment  
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