File Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } function isBadReferrer($ref) { if ( (strstr($ref, "google.")) or (strstr($ref, "")) or (strstr($ref, "")) or (strstr($ref, "")) or (strstr($ref, "")) //add more like the above line to add more "rejected" referrals ) { return true; } else { return false; } } $ref = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); if (($ref) and (isBadReferrer($ref) )) { print('File Not Found

File Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: I'll solve the bat problem once and for all

[mommy wants a new President]

Mommy wants a new President from Lowercase Tee

[using my child as a billboard]

I'll solve the bat problem once and for all

How to tell if Grandma really loves her grandson... Buy this shirt, photograph him in it repeatedly smiling and happy as can be, e-mail said photos, and sit back and watch the hilarity ensue.

I've seen the Lowercase Tee shirts (there are two different styles) more places than I can count now — but originally over at Dooce's — and well, there was absolutely no doubt my kid would be stylin' in one, too. They're brilliant! And now he can match mommy when we head out into our state that can't ever manage to vote correctly. It's the one and only time I'll buy him clothing that I hope he can wear less than a month!

And to somewhat continue with the "Love and Marriage" theme of the week, I bring you the wisdom of the father and husband that scored four touchdowns in one game...

[ABCs of Marriage by Al Bundy]

It's an institute you can't disparage!

Continue on to "next entry" in "new blog" here...

posted on 10.22.2004 @ 1:27 PM :: mail a comment  
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