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The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: Fumbling towards ecstasy

[self portrait 28 weeks into my pregnancy]

photos taken on November 20, 2003 - 28 weeks along

[belly shot taken in November 2003]

Fumbling towards ecstasy

[click here for more info]

The photographs at left are self-portraits I snapped last November, at 28 weeks into my pregnancy. A year ago tomorrow we found out that we were having a son. Sometimes my mind still can't wrap around the concept that this turned into this and changed our lives forever. I've never been more in love with my body than I was in those two photographs, or felt my have looked as perfect (other than when they were our son obviously). So I've chosen to share these photos online because what better reason for a cure, sheer beauty aspect aside, than to make sure they're always around to give life? posted an excellent summary of the "history of the -Thon". It's something that's always needed to be done, and I just haven't had the time to sit down and tackle it. (Many thanks, Mikey!) So if you've always wondered how things began and progressed to where they are today, be sure and check it out.

I want to pass along my sincerest thanks to everyone for getting this year's event off to a great start before the 'Thon has even launched officially! The response has just been incredible! If the third time truly is a charm indeed, we've got a lot to look forward to in the days ahead... As always, stay tuned here for updates (click here to Blogroll us) — and if you haven't already, see the original post on this year's event (and how to submit photos early) here.


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1.  2004 Blogger -Thon
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posted on 09.23.2004 @ 2:55 PM :: mail a comment  
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