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The requested URL was not found on this server.

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File Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: And I say, "It's alright..."

[here comes the sun]

[it seems like years since its been here]

And I say, "It's alright..."

Once the worst of it had obviously passed, we decided to load the wee one up in the car and head out in search of food other than Spaghettios the Sequel. I'm happy to report that even in the midst of a hurricane, you can find Chinese food. We passed not one, but three open Chinese restaurants, and drove back home loaded up with sweet egg roll goodness and the obligatory duck sauce packets.

The photos to the left (click for larger pop-ups) were taken during our drive, proving that the sun will soon be shining once again on the central Florida Gulf coast. Don't believe all the media-hype that we've blown away into the Atlantic by now. Bloggers know what's what.

And thus ends your regularly scheduled Shutterblogging broadcast / forecast -- which I might add has been much more accurate to date than the National Weather Service's. Stay safe and dry everyone along the Eastern seaboard!

Shutterblog's Charley entries: one, two, and three

UPDATE: Kat has a great list of ways you can help Charley's victims. And residents of the Gulf coast are going to need it with Tropical Storm Earl (soon to be Hurricane Earl) possibly on the way, taking an almost identical track to Charley, next week. (Looks like Earl is dieing a natural death and going far to the south - hoorah!)

posted on 08.13.2004 @ 10:25 PM :: mail a comment  
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