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File Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: Hail to the King, baby!

[Robyn and Todd with Barry Switzer]

Hail to the King, baby!

This is an older photo taken by my mother-in-law in November 2000 (with an Olympus Accura 35mm) during OU's last National Championship season. I was inspired to post it by a blog I've just discovered, thanks to a heads-up note. The location is the no-longer-in-existence "Switzer's Lighthouse Restaurant". We're pictured with former OU head coach (and Sooner God) Barry Switzer. You might not be able to see him though, due to the blindness factor of his Super Bowl ring from coaching the Dallas Cowboys.

This weekend is a bye-week for OU, and to say the two of us are seriously jonesing would be an understatement. It seems like the season just got started and it's time to throw on the brakes. Somehow watching FSU vs. Duke just won't be the same...

Photograph note: Please try to excuse the way we actually look in the photo. We were both running about 101° fevers at the time. Hopefully we didn't pass along any germies to the King -- but funk dat if you think we were going to pass up that photo and autograph op!

posted on 09.27.2003 @ 6:37 AM :: mail a comment  
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