The above photo of Todd and the boys was shot on November 5, 2006, at Redington Shores. You can find the original version on Flickr here - and the stolen version on FunPic here (although they've already removed my copyright infringement notice posted in their comments once nine times already). UPDATE (January 14, 2007): It seems ninth time is a charm. For now, at least, my photo appears to have FINALLY been removed.
Once again I'm slacking on the updates here. You can find more frequent ones on Flickr these days, in case you were wondering.
One thing that has still kept me very busy, much to my dismay, is photo theft. I am now watermarking and more visibly copyright-labeling all of the professional photos I put on Flickr and this blog. It's something I hate to do, but feel I no longer have any choice in the matter. You can ready more about it here over at Flickr, and my last entry here.
Since my last entry, I've had two more images taken (that I know of) without my permission. One has since been removed, and was done so very quickly after I found my work on their site.
The other...well let's just say they don't play nice. The image at the top of this entry now appears on their website with their own website watermark slapped across it. Permission was never given for this. Pretty ballsy, no? They've done this to several Flickr photographers now, none who have really had any sort of success whatsoever at getting their images removed once stolen. However, I have a lot of free Gmail accounts at my disposal - and each time they remove my registration and my comment saying they stole the photo - guess what? I'll just re-register and post it there all over again.
UPDATE (January 14, 2007): See photo comments above - for now, at least - my photo appears to have FINALLY been removed.
In case you missed our public Christmas pictures, you can find those here and here.
And in case you missed our big news (WE'RE LEAVING TAMPA BAY!), you can catch up on that here and here.
Wishing a wonderful 2007 to you all - family and friends in abundance, along with great health, happiness and prosperity!
Happy New Year!
P.S. If you're waiting on an e-mail from me, I'm horribly behind once again - the move isn't making things any easier. Please continue to hold. Your e-mail is important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received! <beep!>