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The requested URL was not found on this server.

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File Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: And my time is a piece of wax

[life before color]

And my time is a piece of wax

I recently read a blog entry about becoming a parent for the first time. It had a Q&A quote that really struck me:

"'You can't remember what it was like before you had [your daughter], can you?' I tell her that I can remember, but everything before [my daughter] was black and white, and everything now is in color."

How very true that is! The photograph to the left was taken on May 18th, 2003, during a day trip to St. Petersburg, FL. I always thought it looked empty -- like it was waiting for something or someone. Little did I know then it was very much like my own life, because just three weeks later I would find out I was pregnant with our son.

I was interviewed briefly this afternoon about blogging by a reporter from People Magazine. I don't know what, if anything, will come of it -- because you never do until the article hits the stands -- but I'll keep you posted. Perhaps 2004 is the year of the Robyn National Media Blitz?

This weekend we're taking the boy-child to Orlando for his very first overnight in a hotel / resort. Please pray for us. It will also be his very first official dip in a pool. Have sunscreen, will travel... Are we there yet?

posted on 07.09.2004 @ 4:08 PM :: mail a comment  
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