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'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

[in remembrance]

[tree flowers]

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

I should preface this entry by saying that I am a liberal -- a lifelong Democrat who proudly registered for the party the day she turned 18. If having a child didn't change my political views I doubt much will. That said...

This week I join my country in grieving over the death of President Ronald Reagan. I literally grew up with him as my President. Once I got old enough to understand his policies and politics, I may not have always agreed with them -- but I certainly admired him as a man, and as a husband. And most importantly as the leader of our nation. A leader who took a bullet for us.

It saddens me to no end seeing liberal sites out there taking cheap shots at the man before he's even been lowered into the ground. I guess respect during a national time of mourning wasn't always taught in every corner of this nation.

I hope to raise my son to always honor our nation's leaders, both in life and in death. Admiration doesn't mean one loses the ability to criticize, question and even complain. But the Office itself should always be respected and held to a high standard, even when man fails it. And when man excels in the Office, regardless of whether you agree with his ideals on a fundamental level or not, he and his life should be praised and remembered to the fullest after he draws his last breath.

There are times I'm simply not just a liberal or a Democrat. And this week is one of those times. For I am also an American.

posted on 06.07.2004 @ 5:48 PM :: mail a comment  
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