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The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: An exit to eternal summer slacking

[the view at North Redington Beach]

An exit to eternal summer slacking

This beach photo was taken exactly a year ago today during a trip to North Redington Beach for our 7th wedding anniversary. (Our 8th anniversary is tomorrow, June 1st -- we were married in the French Quarter of New Orleans in 1996.)

We went out to eat at an Italian restaurant that evening, and literally two bites into my meal, I pushed the plate away. In fact I ate so little, I got a lecture by the waitress. The next day at the beach a couple of spoonfuls of my water ice was enough to turn me several shades of pale. This small photo is the only one we snapped of the two of us all weekend long because I was so ill. It "had to be the flu". Over the course of two weeks, four pregnancy tests had all came back negative. It wouldn't be until over a week later that I'd learn my green complexion was actually due to pregnancy and not some mystery illness when the two magic lines finally appeared on an EPT! Needless to say, this anniversary will be much different than our last...and I wouldn't want it any other way!

posted on 05.31.2004 @ 7:08 PM :: mail a comment  
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