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The requested URL was not found on this server.

'); exit; } ?> Shutterblog :: Leapin' lizards!


Leapin' lizards!

Anyone that's browsed my photography even briefly knows that one of my favorite subjects is lizards. Fortunately they aren't in short supply here in central Florida. On any given day you can walk out the door and watch five scatter right, and three scatter left. I snapped this image yesterday morning. (Click for larger pop-up.)

My obsession with the little guys started way back in college. I briefly dated a Herpetology graduate student doing his thesis on the skink lizard. He had a rather large iguana named Sydney who was trained to walk on a leash, and one day presented me with a skink of my very own which I named Sarandon. I was hooked, and have been ever since. Should we have a son, he can own as many lizards as he'd like. That's my trade-off for the "no snakes in the house" policy and I'm sticking to it!

posted on 09.16.2003 @ 11:30 AM :: mail a comment  
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